State Records / Miscellaneous Records / Interagency Records / International Records

Most documents are stored as Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) files and will open in a new browser window... or can be downloaded.  (Windows users, to download: right-click the hyperlinked title to the item you want and select "save target as.." then specify a storage location on your machine - Mac Users, to download: hold down the CONTROL key and click the mouse and click on "Download Linked File As...", then specify a storage location on your machine.machine.


District of Columbia (DC) Office of Risk Management (ORM) - Each email (TO, FROM, CC) in the email account of the Director of the DC Office of Risk Management between December 20, 2020 and January 6, 2021 that contains ANY of the following words: guard, riot, rioting, rioters, Amendment, permit, permits, parade, parades, demonstration, demonstrations, gather, gathering, congregate, congregating, congregates, or support. - [PDF 139 MB - 18-Nov-2024]
NOTE: This is a large file; 139 Megabytes

District of Columbia Office of Risk Management (ORM) - each email sent or received by the Director of the Office of Risk Management during the time period January 4 - January 6, 2021 - [PDF 23.5 MB - 18-Nov-2024]

Nebraska Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) records concerning the impact of climate change or extreme weather on emergency management in Nebraska 2014-2019 - [PDF 8.9 MB - 06-Oct-2024]

California Governor's Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) California Homeland Security Strategy, 2017-2020 - Climate Change Section - [PDF 3 MB - 19-Feb-2024]

California Governor's Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) records re: Metcalf Sniper Incident on April 16, 2013, assault on the PG&E Metcalf Transmission Substation in Coyote, California, 2013-2014 - [PDF 1.9 MB - 22-Jan-2024]

Maryland Department of Transportation Motor Vehicle Administration (MDOT MVA) Banned Custom License Plates and Customized Plate Review Procedures 2022 - [PDF 1.8 MB - 12-Dec-2022]

Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department's Video Catalog, Revised 07/20/1999 - [PDF 1.4 MB - 31-Jan-2022]

Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin (ICPRB) meeting minutes, 2008-2013 - [PDF 1.8 MB - 04-Feb-2019]

Indiana State Egg Board meeting minutes, 2008-2018 - [PDF 530 KB - 02-Apr-2018]

California Department of Public Health (CDPH) correspondence to and from Reuters/ThomsonReuters, and/or Joshua Schneyer and/or M.B. Pell, concerning the Reuters public records request for statistics on elevated lead tests in California communities, 2016-2017 - [PDF 2.4 MB - 17-Jul-2017]

Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration Non-Commercial Class "C" driving Examiner’s Training Manual, 2015 - [PDF 1.2 MB - 17-Apr-2017]

Georgia Public Service Commission (PSC) records concerning the risks to the electric power grid from geomagnetic storms, 2012-2015 - [PDF 1 MB - 07-Nov-2016]

Idaho Public Utilities Commission (PUC) records concerning the risks to the electric power grid from geomagnetic storms, 2014-2015 - [PDF 3 MB - 07-Nov-2016]

Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities (DPU) records concerning the risks to the electric power grid from geomagnetic storms, 2014 - [PDF 1.5 - MB 07-Nov-2016]

District of Columbia (DC) Office of Cable Television, Film, Music & Entertainment (OCTFME) list of motion picture and television projects in DC, 2010-2011 - [PDF 340 KB - 29-Feb-2016]

Listing of Government of the District of Columbia (DC) Office of the Inspector General (OIG) Investigations Closed 2009-2015 - [PDF 2.5 - MB 03-Jan-2016]

Emails at the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) relating to alleged inappropriate communications with Pacific Gas Electric Co. (PGE), 2010-2014 - [PDF 124 MB - 23-Feb-2015]
This is a large file: 125 MB containing over 5,200 pages.

Several states and the District of Columbia forbidden/banned personalized license plates, procedures for screening personalized license plate applications and, where available, administrative appeals of withdrawn personalized plates, 2012-2013 - [PDF 750 KB - 29-Dec-2014] Materials added from the states of Colorado and Georgia
NOTE: This link opens a separate page listing available files from 26 states and the District of Columbia.

The Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District Public Records Act Request case logs, 2012-2014 - [PDF 874 KB - 29-Dec-2014]

The Port Authority of New York & New Jersey documents that discuss or identify the extent of records losses by the Port Authority on September 11, 2001
- [PDF 4.6 MB - 04-Mar-2013]

Government of the District of Columbia Office of the Inspector General (OIG) printout of closed investigations and FOIA case logs, 2000-2009 - [PDF 8 MB - 24-Sep-2012]

New York State Comptroller Contract to Scan and Index Large Quantities of Unclaimed Property Records, 2002 - [PDF 2.5 MB - 30-Apr-2012]

Two New York City Office of Emergency Management (OEM) reports, 2001-2002 - [PDF 15 MB - Dec-2011]

List of Closed State of New York Office of Inspector General (IG) investigations, 1996-2011 - [PDF 4.6 MB - 07-Feb-2011]

Index of the District of Columbia Metropolitan Police Department Directives, 01-May-2009 - [PDF 245 KB - 14-Dec-2009]

District of Columbia Department of Public Works Parking Control Officer Training Manual Section 10, "Ticket Writing Exercise" - [PDF 4.5 MB - 11-Dec-2008]

Correspondence between Alaska Governor Palin and state and federal agencies 2007-2008, and other records
NOTE this link opens a separate index page for this topic [08-Nov-2008]

Washington Metropolitan Airport Authority (WMAA)

NEW Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority (MWAA) Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Log, 2016-2024 - [PDF 2 MB - 24-Feb-2025]

Letters to Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority (MWAA) complaining about airline security screening, 2010-2011 - [PDF 1.1 KB - 10-Oct-2011]

Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA)

Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) Office of the Inspector General (OIG) Management Alerts/Advisories 2016-2022 - [PDF 9.4 MB - 06-Jan-2025]

List of Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) Investigation Reports produced by the WMATA Office of Inspector General (OIG) 2010-2022 - [PDF 395 KB - 08-Jul-2024]

Title Page and Table of Contents for three (3) Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) policy/procedure handbooks, 2015, 2017[PDF 2.5 MB - 28-Jan-2019]

Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) anticipated schedule for introduction of 7000-series railcars, 2014 - [PDF 490 KB - 11-Jan-2016]

Tri-State Oversight Committee (TOC) Accident-Incident Matrix and the Monthly Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) Monthly Corrective Action Plan (CAP) Report for March 2014, provided to the Washington Post Newspaper, 2014 - [PDF 6.6 MB - 11-Jan-2016]

Memos from the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) Deputy General Manager of Administration and DGMA/CFO to the General Manager and CEO of WMATA that originated or dated between January 1 and February 27, 2015 - [PDF 3 MB - 10-Aug-2015]

Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) memoranda from the Deputy General Manager of Administration and Chief Financial Officer (DGMA/CFO) to the General Manager and Chief Executive Officer (GM/CEO), January 1, 2012 - March 31, 2012 - [PDF 7.6 MB 23-Jun-2014]

Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA)Track Outage Plans for the Red Line through June 2015 - [PDF 547 KB - 19-May-2014]

Four Washington Metropolitan Transit Authority (WMATA) Inspector General (OIG) reports, 2009-2010 - [PDF 1 MB - 20-May-2013]

Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) incident report logs for the Forest Glen Metrorail station, 2011-2012

Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) Emergency Egress Inspection Reports, 2012 - [PDF 1.5 MB - 17-Sep-2012]

Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) Report of Investigation concerning the abuse of WMATA purchase cards, and WMATA Management Response and the Corrective Action Plan, 2011 - [PDF 1.5 MB - 03-Sep-2012]

Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) list of Audit Division Reports, 2007-2012 - [PDF 403 KB - 03-Sep-2012]

Washington (DC) Metropolitan Transit Authority (WMATA) system wide facility re-lamping schedule(s), 2012 - [PDF 1 MB - 20-Aug-2012]

Written decisions/determinations of the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) Whistleblower Retaliation Hearing Panel 2010-2011 - [PDF 553 KB - 26-Nov-2012]

Washington Metropolitan Transit Authority (WMATA) memoranda regarding increased SmarTrip card latency times and measures taken, 2010 - [PDF 344 KB - 16-Apr-2012]

Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) incident reports, October 17 - 26, 2010 - [PDF 1.5 MB - 09-Jan-2012]

Nine Washington (DC) Metropolitan Transit Authority (WMATA) Office of Inspector (OIG) Reports of Investigation, 2010 - [PDF 28.8 MB - 05-Dec-2011]

Correspondence between the Department of the Treasury Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) and Office of the Director, Office of the Deputy Director, and the Office of the Analysis and Liaison Division Associate Director of the Financial Crimes Enforcement - [PDF 1.9 mb - 21-Aug-2009]

Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) Inspector General (OIG) reports, 2007-2010 - [PDF 1.9 MB - 11-Jul-2011]

Station (Development) Studies for the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA), 2003-2007 - [PDF 127 MB - 18-April-2011]
NOTE: This is a large file; 127 Megabytes, containing several reports with color illustrations

Final report/closing memo for 14 Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) Inspector General (OIG) investigations, 2007-2010 - [PDF 12.7 MB - 21-Mar-2011]

List of reports produced by the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) Inspector General (OIG), 2009-2011 - [PDF 485 KB - 07-Mar-2011]

List of the twenty oldest pending Public Access to Records Policy (PARP) requests at the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA - “Metro”), 2010 - [PDF 639 KB - 03-Jan-2011] 

List of closed investigations Washington (DC) Metropolitan Transit Authority (WMATA) Office of Inspector (OIG) General Office of Investigations, 2007-2010 - [PDF 811 KB - 10-May-2010]


NEW List of Federal Election Commission (FEC) Inspector General (OIG) Investigations Closed in 2023 and 2024 - [PDF 300 KB - 03-Mar-2025]

NEW Copies of Federal Election Commission (FEC) Inspector General (OIG) investigations closed during CY 2021 and CY 2022 - [PDF 2.3 MB - 19-Jun-2023]

Information provided by Inspectors General to Senators Grassley and Coburn regarding OIG independence, nonpublic closed investigations, etc., 2011-2012 - [22-Feb-2021]
Note: This link opens a separate page listing available files

In Time of Emergency, a citizen's handbook on Nuclear Attack - Natural Disasters, Department of Defense (DoD), Office of Civil Defense, 1968 - [PDF 4.7 MB - 24-Oct-2016]

Employees’ Guide To Radiation Protection - Atlantic Richfield Hanford Company informational booklet. 1960s - [PDF 5.2 MB - 26-Sep-2016]

United States Civil Defense, National Security Resources Board, NSRB Doc. 128, 1950 - [PDF 7.6 MB - 22-Aug-2016]

Selected Responses Provided by Federal Agency Offices of Inspector General to the Bicameral Task Force on Climate Change, 2013 - [22-February-2016]
New material added from Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Department of Justice (DOJ) and Board of Governors of The Federal Reserve System (FRB)
NOTE: This link opens a separate page listing available files from 30 Federal agencies.

Records Provided by Federal Agencies to Chairman Darrell Issa on the Administration of FOIA, 2011 - [12-Oct-2015]
New material added from the Department of Energy (DOE), Departement of Health & Human Services (HHS), Office of Government Ethics (OGE), and Federal Election Commission (FEC) NOTE: This link opens a separate page listing available files from 61 Federal agencies.

Multi-Agency Response to Concerns Raised by the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies for the 56th Presidential Inauguration, March 11, 2009 - [PDF 3.1 MB - 21-Jun-2010]

List of US sites, locations, facilities, and Activities declared to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), 2009 - [PDF 9.2 MB - 10-May-2010]

The Future Role of Western Union as a Nationwide Information Utility, Strategic Plans, 1965 - [PDF 2.1 MB - 23-Nov-2009]

Files on Columnist Jack Anderson from several agencies< - large amount of material from nine FOIA releases - [PDF 132.5 MB (total) - 23-Nov-2009]
NOTE: This link opens a separate page listing available files.

Nine batches of Dr. Bruce Ivins emails provided to by, 1999-2000 - [16-Nov-2009]
NOTE: This link opens a separate page listing available files.

Smithsonian Institution (SI)

List of Smithsonian Institution (SI) Inspector General (OIG) Investigations Closed in CY2021 and CY2022 - [PDF 300 KB - 19-Aug-2024]

Smithsonian Institution (SI) Meeting Minutes, National Postal Advisory Council, Oct 2017 - May 2021 - [PDF 3 MB - 2-Feb-2024]

Smithsonian Institution (SI) Meeting Minutes, National Postal Museum Council of Philatelists, Nov 2017 - Sept 2021 - [PDF 3.8 MB - 12-Feb-2024]

Smithsonian Institution (SI) Meeting Minutes of Meetings of the Smithsonian American Women's History Museum Council 2021-2022 - [PDF 2 MB - 19-Dec-2022]

Smithsonian Institution (SI) Meeting Minutes of Meetings of the National Museum of the American Latino Board of Trustees 2021 [PDF 1 MB - 19-Dec-2022]

Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum (NASM) Advisory Board Meeting Minutes, 2016-2021 - [PDF 5.4 MB - 09-May-2022]

Smithsonian Institution (SI) Board of Regents Meeting Minutes, 2020-2021 - [PDF 3.4 MB - 09-May-2022]

National Museum of the American Indian (NMAI) Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes, 2021-2013 - [PDF 1.8 MB 09-May-2022]

Smithsonian Institution (SI) National Zoological Park Advisory Board Meeting Minutes, April 2016-February 2021 - [PDF 6.7 MB 09-May-2022]

Smithsonian Institution (SI) National Zoological Park Animal Escape Investigations, 2014-2021 - [PDF 1.7 MB 09-May-2022]

List of Smithsonian Institution (SI) Office of Inspector General (OIG) Investigations Closed in CY 2020 - [PDF 860 KB - 14-Mar-2022

Smithsonian Institution (SI) Meeting Minutes of the Advisory Board of the National Museum of the American Indian 2015 - [PDF 2.6 MB - 14-Mar-2022]

Smithsonian Institution (SI) three various documents, 2019-2021 - [PDF 19 MB - 29-Nov-2021]

Letters/correspondence from the White House to the Smithsonian Institution (SI), Jan 1, 2017 - April 7, 2021 - [PDF 19 MB 23-Aug-2021]

Smithsonian Institution (SI) Meeting minutes, National Air and Space Museum Board, 2006-2016 - [PDF 8 MB - 23-Aug-2021]

Smithsonian Institution (SI) Meeting minutes, National Zoo Park Advisory Board, 2010-2015 - PDF 2 MB - 23-Aug-2021]

Smithsonian Institution (SI) Autopsy/Necropsy/Pathology Reports from the National Zoological Park, Feb-Oct, 2017 - [PDF 8.7 MB - 11-Nov-2019]

Smithsonian Institution (SI) meeting minutes from the National Museum of Natural History (NMNH) Board, 2012-2016 - [PDF 2.4 MB - 11-Nov-2019]

Smithsonian Institution (SI) meeting minutes from the National Museum of American History Board, 2012-2017 - [PDF 5 MB - 29-Jul-2019]

List of Smithsonian Institution (SI) Inspector General (OIG) investigations closed CY 2015–CY 2016 - [PDF 130 KB - Date?]

Smithsonian Institution (SI) Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes, 2013-2017 - [PDF 11.5 MB - 15-Oct-2018]

Smithsonian Institution (SI) Ten Most Recent Artifact Damage Reports, 2016 - [PDF 3.8 MB - 13-Nov-2017]

List of artwork items deaccessioned from the Smithsonian American Art Museum (SAAM), 2010-2017 - [PDF 704 KB - 13-Nov-2017]

Smithsonian Institution (SI) Autopsy/Necropsy Reports from the National Zoological Park, 2016-2017 - [PDF 8.7 MB - 13-Nov-2017]

Smithsonian Institution (SI) catalogue of holdings/inventory in the National Numismatic Collection (NNC), 2017 - [Excel Workbook .xlsx 22.5 MB - 18-Sep-2017]

Records regarding artwork acquired by the Smithsonian Institution (SI) during 2011 - [PDF 1.2 MB - 26-Oct-2015]

List of Smithsonian Institution (SI) Office of Inspector General (OIG) investigations closed during CY 2012 - [PDF 1.8 MB - 26-Oct-2015]

List of Smithsonian Institution (SI) Office of Inspector General (OIG) investigations closed during CY 2014 - [PDF 945 KB - 26-Oct-2015]

Smithsonian Institution (SI) assessment: Smithsonian Brand Strategy, Proposed Final Recommendation, 2011 - [PDF 3.2 MB - 26-Oct-2015]

Repatriation Committee Reports Submitted to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution (SI), 1991-2012 - [PDF 49 MB - 13-Oct-2014]

Agreement between the Smithsonian Institution (SI) National Zoological Park and the China Wildlife Conservation Association (CWCA) concerning the giant pandas, 2011 - [PDF 1.25 MB - 23-Mar-2014

56 Smithsonian Institution (SI) Directives, (current but dated 1972-2013) - [PDF 12.5 MB - 09-Dec-2013]

Smithsonian Institution Board of Regents meeting minutes, 2003-2005 - [PDF 2 MB - 18-Feb-2013]

Smithsonian OIG Independent Audit of Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Scientific Computing Infrastructure (A-08-03), September 30, 2008 - [PDF 1.4 MB - 10-May-2010]

Two Smithsonian Institution Inspector General (OIG) Audit Reports, 2001, 2004 - [PDF 1.1 MB - 28-Dec-2009]

Listing of all Smithsonian Institution Office of the Inspector General (OIG) investigations closed January 1, 2005 - December 31, 2006 and a listing of all OIG audit reports - [PDF 2.5 MB - 04-Sep-2009]

List of The Smithsonian Institution (SI) Office of Inspector General (OIG) investigations closed October 2005 – November 2008 - [PDF 212 KB - 27-Mar-2009]


Federal Information and Records Managers Council (FIRM)

Federal Information and Records Managers Council (FIRM) Board agendas and minutes, 2005-2010 - [PDF 11.4 MB - 30-May-2011]


Small Agency Council

Small Agency Council (SAC) Executive Committee Meeting Minutes, Jan 2017-Nov 2021 - [PDF 1.9 MB - 06-Jun-2022]


Government of Canada Emails and other records with Canadian perceptions of the incoming Trump Administration, 2016 - [PDF 5 MB -20-Mar-2023]

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